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BT utilizing AI to identify and counter threats from hackers

BT ramps up AI use to counter hacking threats to business customers (1)

In the midst of recurrent attacks on businesses, BT has stated that it is progressively relying on artificial intelligence to detect and mitigate threats posed by hackers to business customers. 

With a valuation of 10.5 billion pounds, BT intends to expand its operations in the field of protecting clients from virtual scammers. The company holds a patent for a technology that uses AI to study threat-related data, thereby safeguarding their technology framework.

A number of well-known British companies have fallen prey to hacking attempts recently, including the outsourcing firm Capita, the Royal Mail, and British Airways.

BT takes credit for having 725 AI-oriented patents and patent applications in the US, China, and Europe. 

As stated by Bas Burger, the CEO of BT Business, the data under their possession contains every minuscule detail pertaining to the hackers’ overarching methodology. The data is subjected to an AI-related exercise in an effort to resolve each issue that arises. According to him, the Eagle-i technology, introduced in 2021, can generate appropriate policies implemented within a barrier to ensure protection against various types of threats. 

Furthermore, artificial intelligence is employed to detect vulnerabilities within the network. Concerns exist regarding the suitability of the technology employed to resolve the aforementioned issues. This issue warrants significant attention.

Recently, BT concluded an examination of 2,000 company executives and found that 86% of senior members experience anxiety regarding implementing technology to improve operations. In an effort to increase productivity and obtain a competitive edge, 88% of businesses invested in new technology this year, according to the study; expenditures on technology increased by 31% annually.

Burger added that technology is starting to take center stage in almost all business houses today.

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